The 10 Best Tech Fashion Blogs to Follow in 2021
The basic definition of “fashion technology” is quite simple: by “fashion technology” we mean the technology used to sell, create or market a fashion product. In other words, fashion and technology are separate domains that come together to improve each other and create something bigger and better than they can do on their own. Sounds like a good relationship, right? Precisely for this reason we are sure that many of you want to assimilate all the information available on the constant growth of fashion tech. To learn more about this topic, we list the best tech fashion blogs to follow to stay updated on the latest developments in this field.
Believe us, after clicking on these interesting tech sites, you will not be able to stop!
TheCurrent Daily
Officially known as Fashion & Mash, if you only have to choose one of these sites, here is the choice for you. Not only is it one of the best tech fashion blogs in existence but, since joining forces with The Current, an international innovation company, this popular technology blog works to facilitate the emergence of partnerships that support technological innovation; which means that this tech fashion blog not only provides the information everyone is looking for but also directs the future of business in fashion. If you can’t help but be always up to date on the latest trends in digital marketing, the news in retail and the new developments in artificial intelligence and its uses in fashion, you definitely need to keep your eyes on this gem.
With a special focus on fashion tech and wearable technologies, this site is perfect if you are interested in how consumers wear technology. It’s been a while since simple analytics tools for fitness, and Wareable shows us how many cutting-edge brands and retailers are profiting from the ever-growing popularity of wearable technologies. If you are a gadget lover and want to always be updated on the latest news in the field of wearable technologies, Wareable is by far the fashion tech blog for you!
Tech Loves Style
For a more personal take on tech fashion, we recommend you take a look at Tech Loves Style. Knowing that technology is one of the fastest growing topics in the fashion world, what started as a school project for its editor Yarina Yao, has over time become one of the best tech blogs to follow. Always reporting the best news in fashion and technology, each article published on Tech Loves Style is clearly designed to educate and inform readers on how these two sectors continue to grow together. Thanks to the contribution of many experts and important insiders, Tech Loves Style is the most authoritative source for those interested in fashion tech.
BOF Fashion Tech
How can we talk about fashion trends without mentioning Business of Fashion? Being the most authoritative source for everything related to fashion and its business, BOF has created an entire section of its website totally dedicated to fashion tech. Although this sector is growing at an impressive speed, you can always rely on the information that comes from BOF, as the leader in everything related to fashion and business.
If you have a healthy addiction to fashion technology news and trends, you should definitely keep an eye on the FashNerd newsfeed. Founded in 2015, this popular tech fashion blog is one of the fastest growing digital magazines in the business. Given its varied content ranging from informative articles to interesting videos, passing through reviews more related to technology, we are confident that you will spend hours sifting through all the tech fashion news that awaits you on FashNerd.
Started by Digiday Media, Glossy focuses on the growth of digital expansion in the fashion and beauty industry. Combining the changes in digital evolution with the industry’s hottest topics, the blog is a great read for anyone interested in the topic of fashion technology in an increasingly digitized age.
Focused on connecting with consumers, this blog will give you insight into trends in consumer behavior, thinking and emotions. The effects of the global pandemic and how brands have used technology to truly connect with their customers are topical topics on their blog, which incorporates their goals of predicting fashion trends along with increasing the growth of technology in the sector.
Wide Eyes Blog
With great attention to the visual part, Wide Eyes aims to integrate online commerce with technology that allows consumers to express greater involvement with content and products. The blog deals with the theme of the digital transformation of online shopping and how physical stores are also opening up to increasingly digitized aspects to build customer loyalty and improve the shopping experience for consumers. With many areas still being experimented, the blog represents a great insight into the evolution of digital changes within both online and brick-and-mortar shopping, an intriguing topic to disclose as the pandemic continues to affect the fashion industry..
Luxor & Finch’s blog delves into the company’s analysis of sustainability in relation to fashion technology and humanity. In addition, it highlights the issues faced by fashion retailers and the technical aspects of implementing the strategy, and how this can impact brands. The topics are interesting for those who wish to broaden their perception of the opportunities that can be found in the field of fit strategy and fashion technology.
Last, but certainly not least, is WWD of course. A staple of the fashion industry, their blog is a reliable source for anyone who wants to keep up with the latest technology in fashion. By documenting all the latest fashion and beauty trends, both for men and women, from reading their blog you will immediately realize why WWD has been nicknamed “the bible of fashion”.